Bring It On 2016

With the first week of the new year coming to a close, I thought it was about time I did a recap on what the last twelve months were like for me, and what's in store for 2016. 
I have to admit that I was more then excited for the new year to roll around, 2015 was one of the most difficult years of my life and i'm glad that it's over and done with. The ups and downs came in constant waves and I was left in a state of anxiety and fear for a majority of every month. Even with all of the incredible things that happened this year, I had a really hard time focusing on the positive parts of my life when I felt like I was constantly drowning.
With all of that being said, I can't wait to see what 2016 has in store for me. I was lucky enough to start off the new year with an incredible trip to Lake Tahoe with some amazing people, and it's given me so much inspiration and perspective on what's to come. This is going to be one of the most important years of my life, and I can't wait to share and document that journey with you guys! 

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